Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 39 The simulators had been graciously tuned and upgraded by Aegis to be able to handle Hunter’s fighting style. They still couldn’t handle the Inertia and it was an impossible ask for any system to be able to accurately keep track of that many individual pieces. It was a
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 36 Ilina had memorized the shifts of everyone in mechanics. After she'd snuck into the foreman's office where Taitle had been taking a nap, she was minorly scolded for not having asked instead of resorting to her usual tactics. Asking for things had never really worked out
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 35 There was a date. A cute date happened between Krystyn and Ilina, who seemed particularly enamoured by the experience practically running from shop to shop. Krystyn's hair appointment was the first order of business, done by a broad and unhappy woman who did not ask how she wanted
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 33 Morian had left sometime in the early morning to do some tests and pilot check-ups. Ilina stayed in the bed for a while longer, shifting into the indent Morian had left in the mattress and soaking up the lingering scent of cigarettes and disinfectant. She grabbed some gel packs from
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 31 It took begging Velia to create a bunch of work to keep Krystyn busy, and asking Morian to drag out Krystyn's weekly exams, for Ilina to get a whole twenty minutes alone with Manya. It was her only hope, and she felt so stupid the moment she got
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 29 It was another blistering hell-day on the beautiful, barren, radioactive planet Fucking-Nowhere and Hunter Falke was crawling through more rubble on the freshly bombed outskirts of a city. Didn't matter which one. A month and a half ago people lived here. Went to school here. Commuted to their
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 28 Krystyn was the last to file into Crater's office. Any time she called for a meeting outside of the regularly scheduled times, it felt like something bad was going to happen. Crater sat behind her desk, as usual, barely bringing her eyes from from the endless stream of
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 27 After a week doing debriefs and paperwork and making up for financial losses, Hekate's Call returned to the Gestalt and Gravity. Krystyn had a lot to answer for as the field commander. Paperwork was a fine enough punishment, and Crater was willing to let her off with a
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 24 FB-number-number was another blasted hell pit of an end-of-life mining colony. Or rather, it was at some point a bustling world with culture and cities and life before its vast wealth of important materials was discovered and it was rapidly converted to a mining colony. The company that owned a
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 19 The Gestalt and Gravity sailed through space at a respectable enough speed towards a gate several weeks away. There was an upsetting calm and quiet to things that was driving Krystyn up the wall. The minute Kyrnn was off the ship everything changed. The drugs, of course. Couldn't
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 16 The medical bay was just about the only place on the Gestalt that Krystyn had found she didn't get fuzzy-headed from the pervasive drugs being pumped into her system at all times. The only thing that made her head fuzzy in Kyrnn's domain was the scent
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 15 Of all Hekate's staff, the only person that Ilina was ever excited to see was Symeon Vigil. Morian barely counted as Hekate staff, and Velia was a very lovely freeloader. But she'd only ever had good encounters with Vigil. Also she was hot. Like insanely hot.
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 13 Hours passed. Manya really wasn't coming back tonight. Krystyn laid awake, completely alone for the first time in years, staring at the ceiling. Somewhere deep down she didn't want to close her eyes because the nightmares might come back. She was doing fine until those three
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 9 "What do you have to say for yourself?" Crater adjusted a few objects on her desk, waiting for Ilina's response. The seats of her office were taken up by the other pilots, leaving her to stand and face them all. She'd been reprimanded before
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 7 Despite the constant requests from Morian – Dr. Kyrnn as the notices called her, though Morian's names weren't on any of the certificates in the office of Dr. Kyrnn back at Carrion – Ilina had avoided the pilot's medbay for weeks like her life depended on
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 6 Content Warning: Sexual Assault The weeks following the pirate attacks were slow and tense. Ilina was told not to disclose the events that transpired during boarding, and it seemed like the rest of the pilots had been barred from viewing the battle log. They gave her a wide berth in
nsfw Corpse Eater (Warhound fic) Hello! This is fanfiction of @Kallie's Warhound, Grasping the Weapon, and Hunting Hound. Which you should go read, immediately. (Hunting Hound is only available on Kallie's Patreon at this time.) I thought I would be done after Hunter's Shadow, but it continued to eat
nsfw Hunter's Shadow (Warhound fic) Hello! This is fanfiction of @Kallie's Warhound, Grasping the Weapon, and Hunting Hound. Which you should go read, immediately. (Hunting Hound is only available on Kallie's Patreon at this time.) It's been destroying my brain ever since I read it, so I had to
nsfw [NSFW] $Insert_Title: Manifest in Paris Foreword: This was just something I wrote using the NPC Manifest from the Insert_Title shadowrun campaign. It has nothing to do with their story or game. This was just for me. This is several years old and I haven't really given it a read since I wrote
nsfw [NSFW] No Pets on the Furniture Riley had trouble sleeping alone. There hadn't been a time when it became a problem since Christy moved in. Unfortunately she had some time planned with her new boyfriend, so Riley's usual travel partner was unavailable. Since she had already paid for two tickets, Miria agreed