Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 14 The pilot's gym had all sorts of specialized equipment, and access to the flash-fabricator in case you needed new specialized equipment. Fancy stuff with lots of lights and numbers. Manya used some of them, but it wasn't like she needed the additional information they offered with
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 13 Hours passed. Manya really wasn't coming back tonight. Krystyn laid awake, completely alone for the first time in years, staring at the ceiling. Somewhere deep down she didn't want to close her eyes because the nightmares might come back. She was doing fine until those three
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 12 The air on the Gestalt had changed since they got back. It had been nagging at the back of Krystyn's mind. She screwed up trying to get on Ilina's good side. The doctor said there was no real coming back from that screw-up. The girl holds
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 11 ”Disable them.” Manya sighed her little play sigh as she began walking towards them. ”I guess that’s that, then.” Vigil was the first to draw her weapons. A pistol and a combat knife. Krystyn shouted something at Crater, but everyone else knew it was far too late for that.
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 10 If you outperform Charlotte in training I’ll give you another kiss. Manya’s voice was so sweet in her ear in the hallway before the pilots all suited and saddled up. She was so much fairer than Velia. Better than Krystyn was a much clearer and more achievable goal
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 9 "What do you have to say for yourself?" Crater adjusted a few objects on her desk, waiting for Ilina's response. The seats of her office were taken up by the other pilots, leaving her to stand and face them all. She'd been reprimanded before
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 8 The Gestalt and Gravity was a beautiful carrier with the best accommodations Krystyn had ever seen. It reminded her of home in the least antagonistic way. Just the good parts that didn't make her skin crawl at the thought of. Not the reasons why she signed on with
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 7 Despite the constant requests from Morian – Dr. Kyrnn as the notices called her, though Morian's names weren't on any of the certificates in the office of Dr. Kyrnn back at Carrion – Ilina had avoided the pilot's medbay for weeks like her life depended on
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 6 Content Warning: Sexual Assault The weeks following the pirate attacks were slow and tense. Ilina was told not to disclose the events that transpired during boarding, and it seemed like the rest of the pilots had been barred from viewing the battle log. They gave her a wide berth in
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, chapter 5 The operations room of the Gestalt was a truly dreary affair, but that was only because of the low light and thick cigarette smoke that gave it an undeserved film noire feel. They were illuminated solely by the light of the holo hovering above the table diagramming in excruciating, exacting
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, chapter 4 The second week aboard the Gestalt and Gravity, a six-bay carrier designed for rapid engagements and stealth, was quite possibly one of the worst weeks of her life. The first week was full of endless embarrassments such as not being able to properly get her hardsuit on by herself in
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call, Chapter 3 The mobile military base and hanger that Hekate’s Call operated out of had almost finished the process of closing up shop outside of the city of Cryse. It was a nothing town with a bustling market filled with off-world goods, because the only thing that the city had that
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call: Chapter 2 Ilina Falke woke up on a tan, ripped couch with the weight of A Scandal In Heaven's massive fist slamming into her chest. Flashes of the fight burned against the back of her eyelids as she measured the room. The curtains of the room were clipped shut with
Hekate's Call Hekate's Call: Chapter 1 The morning mist that rolled across the parched, cracked earth of planet fucking-nowhere was always so heavy with radiation that it spoiled all the sensors. For a moment at sunrise the view from the colossal landship, the Necromancer's Spoils, was beautiful as the rad-mist lit up and Ilina